1. Full name Taweethong aundech
2. Nick name Pae
3. Friend name called Duck ( We call him duck just because his face remind us duck ) He is our choreographer and the most funniest member in Rainbows
4. Date of birth 1 march 1984
5. Sign Aquarius
6. Age 26
7. Height 166 cm
8. Weight 57 kg
9. Shoe size 40
10. Eyes color black
11. Skin color absolutely light skin
12. Hair color brown
13. Religion Buddhist
14. Education Bachelor’s degree –faculty of humanites major in English
15. Ability
1. choreograph for cheerleading , dancing and fitness routine
2. teacher of children development for Gymboree ( he can sing more than 500 children songs )
3. fitness training
16. claim to fame
1. sheen figher in 2000-2002 ( hight school )
2. Redhawks in 2003-2004
3. Wildcats in 2005 -2007
4. Rainbows in 2008- 2010
5. Crazy dragons in 2009
17. Personal behavior cheerful , funny ,creativity , honest , friendly , on time and able to make everyone around laugh
18. Bad habit jealous , sharp-toungued and act hastily
19. Which part of body u like the most
he’s so proud for having similar duck’s mouth
20. Music passion pop
21. Favorite song and artist Crush by david archuletta , Bad Romance by Lady gaga ,too much heaven and how deep is your love by BEEGEE , close to you by the carpenter and And I’m telling you I’m not going by Jennifer Hudson
22. Best movie of all time Saw 1-6
23. Idol David archuletta
24. Hobby shopping , singing and movies
25. Sport fitness, gymnastic , swimming , yoga , body Jam
26. Collected item swimming suit and money
27. Game station Mario world , Ragnarok and facebook game (café world ,Tiki resort , Island paradise , etc )
28. My monster golden fish
29. Pets hate Gecko ,snake , reptile and spider
30. Favorite quote
Yesterday was gone , Tomorrow hasn’t come yet so we only have today to do your best shot
32. E-mail papae04@hotmail.com
33. Tel-number +66871095151
34. Blackberry pin 214A0ECD
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